In the United States, airsoft guns are not classified every bit firearms under federal law. However, each state has different rules and regulations regarding this toy. Moreover, there is some general practice that airsofters should be enlightened of. So in this blog, nosotros will become through some of the most common laws and regulations that nosotros've come across here at RedWolf Airsoft . Do note that this blog post is meant to exist used as a reference and the law is field of study to change in the hereafter.

Airsoft Law 101

Airsoft 101. Laws and Regulations about Airsoft Guns!

Often airsoft guns are manufactured to resemble real firearms; they are fabricated for realistic skirmish games, firearms training, moving picture props, or even just regular target shooting. Here are some regulations under Federal Law that apply to all the states:

  • Purchaser must be eighteen years old to purchase an airsoft gun
  • Never point an airsoft gun at anyone without their consent unless the person is taking office in an airsoft result
  • All airsoft guns must be installed with an orange tip that is at to the lowest degree 6mm long to distinguish them from a real firearm
  • Other than airsoft fields or private property, all airsoft guns must be stored in a bag or case during transportation

And below are regulations for each state:


Airsoft guns aren't allowed to be sold or transported without an orange tip and a torso that is colored except black/ dark-brown/ blue/ silvery/ or metallic.


No one can sell, load, or transfer an airsoft gun to a pocket-sized, but they can employ an airsoft gun under supervision. All airsoft guns must have fluorescent coloring over the trigger guard and grip.

New York City

Requires all realistic toys (including airsoft guns) or imitation firearms to exist fabricated in either clear or fluorescent colour plastic/ polymer. Possession of any pistol or rifle that is spring or gas-powered is illegal without a license.


All airsoft guns must have a clear indication that it is a replica, which means it must have an orange tip.


Airsoft guns can only exist fired outside city limited or individual property.


Airsoft guns are regulated under the category of Air Rifle. Airsoft guns aren't allowed to be sold, give, nor rent to anyone under the historic period of 13 without their parent's supervision.


The purchaser of an airsoft gun must be at least 16 years onetime of age. Children 14 years old or younger will require adult supervision for them to possess an airsoft gun. Airsoft guns must be unloaded and placed in a closed gun case for transportation. Minnesota merely allows the firing of an airsoft gun outside the city limit. In Minneapolis city, users aren't allowed to openly bear airsoft guns in public except the gun has an orange tip or is clear/ brightly colored.


Carrying an airsoft gun to a school or area thou feet within the schoolhouse grounds is prohibited.


Owning an airsoft gun is actually legal all across the United States, merely from our research, we only find 1 country where the law states that brandishing an airsoft gun is illegal and requires airsoft guns to be stored in a specific way:

New Jersey

Airsoft guns aren't considered toys in this state but are regulated as simulated firearms. Purchasing an airsoft gun in this state must exist at least 18 years one-time and the gun must be installed with an orange tip. It is illegal to display airsoft guns in public, you may only apply airsoft guns indoor, private belongings, or designated airsoft fields. Airsoft guns must be stored in a bag/ case during transportation.


To purchase an airsoft gun, the buyer must be 18 years or above. In some states, it is illegal for children under the age of 14 to possess an airsoft gun without the supervision of an adult.

However, in that location isn't a constabulary that specifies how onetime y'all need to be to play airsoft; merely most airsoft fields volition accept a minimum age of 12 or more than.

For kids under 18, there must be at to the lowest degree 1 guardian/ parent to accompany them.


Airsoft guns are NOT firearms!

Though each state has its own regulations and rules, airsoft guns aren't considered firearms under federal police force in the U.s.a.. Michigan considers airsoft guns as replicas; whereas in New Jersey it is regulated as imitation firearms. Airsoft guns are generally sold in the United states with an orange tip installed on the barrel to distinguish them from normal firearms since airsoft guns are commonly quite realistic.

Terminal Thoughts

An example of RWA Bureau Artillery EXA Pistol with an orange tip installed - Click for more Info

So to conclude:

  • Airsoft guns aren't illegal to own throughout all united states of america as long as they have an orange tip
  • It is good exercise to keep the airsoft gun out of public view
  • When transporting airsoft guns, it is all-time to go along them in a gun back or a gun case
  • The customer must be 18-twelvemonth-erstwhile or older to buy an airsoft gun
  • Airsofters under the historic period of xviii must be accompanied by an adult when using an airsoft gun
  • Airsoft guns are never to exist fired in public
One of the many ways to deport your airsoft guns for transportation

We hope you discover this blog informative. Residue assured, nosotros hither at RedWolf Airsoft will e'er ensure the product is legal for you lot to own before nosotros ship the production over. If in that location is an issue with your gild, our customer service team will electronic mail you to let you lot know. And so if you'd like to buy with ease of mind, shop at our website at world wide ! Thanks for reading!